How to DIY a Flower Crown — The Easy Way

Are you obsessed with flowers? If yes, you have to give this easy DIY flower crown a try! They are beautiful for any occasion. I love that you can make them match any vibe depending on the flowers you use. Mother’s Day is right around the corner and how fun would these be for a mommy and me photo shoot? Read on for a step-by-step guide and some tips I learned along the way. 

First, pick your flowers for the crown. I bought this bundle from Costco and let me tell you, all flowers are not created equal. You want to look for a variety of colors and sizes depending on the vibe you are going for. I was going for a bohemian look so this worked out perfect! The bundle came with a good variety of flowers and greenery. I ended up staying away from the larger flowers and instead used faux daisies to give me more of the look I was going for. Using a mix of fresh and faux flowers made this one of the easiest DIY’s I’ve ever done.

Materials Needed:

  • Flowers in various sizes and colors
  • Tegg Faux Daisy Flower Head 100PCS 
  • Greenery to use as filler
  • 14 inch floral stem wire, 4 pieces
  • Green floral tape
  • Oasis Floral Adhesive Floral Glue
  • Floral Scissors
  • Wire cutter (optional if using gauge floral wire)

Create a Base

Create a base for your flower crown. Make sure to measure around your head and plan where you’d like your crown to sit. Twist the ends together of two of the 14 inch wires, in the size that you’d like and leave a little room to spare. Then wrap the other two wires around, weaving in and out of the loop to create a strong base. Wrap the base with floral tape until the base is completely covered. Stretch the tape a bit as you wrap, this will let the tape become more sticky. Then add Oasis adhesive glue to the end to make sure the tape stays in place. I love this glue! It’s easy to work with, you only need a small amount and it dries pretty fast.

Attach wires and add floral tape until the base is completely covered

Add Flowers and Leaves

Start placing the greenery and leaves first (it took me a couple of try’s to make sure I was happy with the placement). Then, trim your leaves and greenery leaving about two inches of the stems, wrap the stems with floral tape as you position the leaves around the base of your crown. Using the same technique, add faux daisies to fill the crown base sporadically. Wrap floral tape to make the crown base is sturdy. Work half way around the base or until you are happy with the look of the crown. This is totally up to you! The more greenery you add the more bohemian the crown will look.

Cut and place along the crown

Finishing Touch

Once you’ve completed the crown base by covering it with the perfect amount of flowers, leaves and greenery, go back and add a bit of Oasis glue to the base if you feel any individual flowers, leaves and greenery need extra support. Once you are happy with the results, let the glue dry for about 10 minutes before use.

Rock Your Crown

Tada you are done! Test out your beautiful crown and have some fun! It’s custom-fitted for you so it should fit securely on your head. But, if you find that it slips a bit, secure it with a few hidden bobby pins.

Have fun and take a lot of pictures with your new creation!

Tip 1: If you are not wearing your flower crown immediately, store it in the refrigerator to help keep the crown as fresh as possible! Make sure it is placed away from fruits and veggies, since they can cause a rapid aging process for flowers and leaves. To be safe, make sure the fruit is contained in a plastic bag or crisper drawer. When you’re ready to wear your crown, mist it with a bit of water and it’ll look fresh and oh so pretty. The crown lasts about 1-5 days depending on the flowers you use.

Tip 2: Using a combination of real and faux flowers makes the crown light and easier to DIY. I made a crown with fresh flowers and it was beautiful but a bit too heavy for my liking. The crown lasts about 1-5 days depending on the flowers you use.

I hope you give this DIY flower crown a try. Check out this pretty free Mother’s Day gift tag [HERE]. If you do tag me on IG @sandroxxie, I would love to see you’re creations.

xo, Sandra

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